Lesson 5 of 10
In Progress

Solve addition operations in Vertical/Column Addition using regrouping


Addition is taking two or more numbers (or things) and bringing them together to find the new total sum of the combined numbers.


           5                  +            9             =              14

Vertical Addition or Column Addition

As the value of the numbers increase it will become difficult to properly add them together, so we add vertically, column by column.

We do this by writing one number below the other but be careful of the placement.


3 221 + 6 575 =

The first step is to line up the numbers under

each of their place values.

Next, we go column by column adding, starting with the Ones column (O)




Answer: 3 221 + 6 575 = 9 796

Here’s another example:

2657 + 4285

In the ones column we got 12.

We split the 12 into 1 Ten and 2 Ones. The 2 goes in the Ones column and the to 1 Ten goes to the Tens column to be added when the Tens column addition is done. 

In the Tens column we got 14.

So, we must split it. We will get, 1 Hundred and 4 Tens (*Remember we are really adding 50 + 80)The 4 goes under the Tens column and the

1 Hundred is placed in the hundreds column  to be added when the Hundreds is added.


To add even bigger numbers, we add the needed columns (M, HTh, Tth, Th, H, T, O) and use vertical addition to add each number column by column.

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