Lesson 7 of 10
In Progress

Extended Practice

This activity can be completed in your own time.

Use the words from the word bank below to fill in the missing compound words.

Word Bank: cupcake, toothbrush, snowman, toolbox, wheelchair, fingernail, handshake, bathtub, raincoat, and blackboard

  1. A large container for bathing is called a ____________________.
  2. A small cake baked in a cup shape is a _____________________
  3. A person- shaped figure made from snow is called a ________________.
  4. A nail that is on your finger is called a _____________________.
  5. A chair that moves on a wheel is a _________________________.
  6. When you use your hand and you shake someone else’s hands, you give them a _______________________.
  7. A brush that is used to clean your teeth is called a _________________.
  8. A coat that you wear when it rains is called a _______________.
  9. A board that your teacher writes on with chalk is called a _________________.
  10. A box that your father keeps his tools in is called a ____________________.



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